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Karey Walter ©


2025 Foto Forum Santa Fe Members Show
Submissions Due by [DATE DATE DATE] at Midnight MST

Entries for our 6th annual group show are now open!


Members of Foto Forum Santa Fe may enter up to four of their photographs along with a bio/cv and an artist statement, no entry fee required. 


Please limit your framed works to a maximum of 14" on the longest dimension. Works exceeding the maximum 14" will be rejected. 






Like last year's winner, [NAME NAME NAME], we are excited to be able to offer a Best In Show Prize. The selected member will receive a $500.00 Gift Certificate to Visions Photo Lab in Santa Fe, which can be redeemed for any of their Printing, Processing, or Mounting services.


Executive Director Sage Paisner will be making the selection for this year's show. Best in Show will be selected by Guest Juror to be announced.




All that is required to complete your submission is to be an active Foto Forum Santa Fe member and fill out and submit this form. As you can only submit the form once, you may wish to look over the information that is needed, gather your materials, and come back to this page when you are ready to submit everything.



*Although there is no Entry Fee, we will need to collect a $50 handling fee if you elect to ship the selected work(s) to the gallery and have us ship them back to you. Return shipment cost will also need to be paid for by you. As a small non-profit, it's not easy for us to store the shipping boxes, pack up the work after the show, and deliver it to the post office. The handling fee makes it possible for us to offer this service to our out-of-area members. Thanks for understanding.

Upload Artist C.V.

C.V.s will be printed and available at the gallery in a binder

Artist Statement (brief)

Please provide a brief Artist Statement to give the jury more information about the work you are submitting. This can include a two sentence biography as well.

Please submit 4 photographs for consideration. Each image should be formatted as a JPEG file no larger than 1200 pixels on the long dimension. Please make sure that each file is no larger than 2Mb. (Hint: use compression). Filenames should include your name so that we can easily match a file to your application in case it gets separated. ex: Jane_Doe_1.jpg


Note: Prints need to be 11x14" or smaller!

In order to make the best use of our limited space, we are limiting the print size to 11x14". Let's create a salon-style show with a lot of energy!


For each image, please provide the Title, Dimensions in inches, and Price.


Photograph #1

Photo #1 Upload
Click to Upload a JPEG
of your photograph
Width x Height in inches. Max. 14"
Price in US Dollars
Examples: Pigment Print or Gelatin-Silver Print

Photograph #2

Photo #2 Upload
Click to Upload a JPEG
of your photograph
Width x Height in Inches. Max 14"
Price in US Dollars
Examples: Pigment Print or Gelatin-Silver Print

Photograph #3

Photo #3 Upload
Click to Upload a JPEG
of your photograph
Width x Height in Inches. Max 14"
Price in US Dollars
Examples: Pigment Print or Gelatin-Silver Print

Photograph #4

Photo #4 Upload
Click to Upload a JPEG
of your photograph
Width x Height in Inches. Max 14"
Price in US Dollars
Examples: Pigment Print or Gelatin-Silver Print

Almost Done!

Before clicking the submit button, please review your application. You can only submit once, so take the time to double check everything! Make sure you have uploaded your C.V. and all four images have Titles, Dimensions, and an uploaded JPEG file. If one of the required fields is missing, you may have to start all over again if your browser doesn't save your information!



PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the internet connection, it may take a few moments to upload your submission. Do not leave the page until it completes.

Oops! Looks like you are missing
some required information. 

Check the form and try and submit again!

Your content has been submitted

Your content has been submitted

Your content has been submitted

Your content has been submitted



IMPORTANT: If your submission is successful you will see a "Success: Thank You" page. If you do not see that page after you click Submit, then something went wrong. Try again, or use a different browser. Thanks!

An error occurred. Try again later

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