List of the 28 Members that submitted work for the 2021 Members' Show. There is a public reception for the show on Friday March 5th from 5–7pm.
Please come out and see the diverse work from our members!
Sonia Calderon
Virgil DiBiase
Race Dillon
Brian Edwards
Lisa Freeman
Diane G Rolnick
Daniel Hojnacki
Ann Katzen
Lindsey Kennedy
John Landry
Elizabeth McGrady
David McMullen
David Mena
Ashley Miller
Anikke Myers
James O'Connell
Jeff Puterbaugh
André Ramos-Woodard
Marta Rosenquist
Dillon Sachs
Arista Slater-Sandoval
Emma Sobel
Michael Sumner
Nick Tauro Jr
Corn Wagon Thunder
Attasalina Tuggle
Raymond Urena
Jennifer Van
photo credit: FFSF Member ©André Ramos-Woodard "Melodrama"